The Americans

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A parody of a song by West Side Story.
A Collaboration by Brad Weiss in Carrboro, NC & Kj Ohnstad in Minnesota
Recorded: 05/26/2014  Released: 05/29/2014  First aired: unaired


We like to watch The Americans
Let's talk about The Americans
Haven't you seen The Americans
Spoiler Alert: The Americans

You might think Philip’s the muscle
But don’t mess with Keri Russell
Now Martha’s a threat to their nation
A gots-to-go situation

Hideous clothes, The Americans
Neglecting their kids, The Americans
Pretty weird sex, The Americans
They’ll tear out your throat, The Americans

What will become of that Paige girl
She’s just a pawn in the Cold War
He'd like a cameo guest spot
Please don’t kill Nina she's too hot. . .

Everyone! Watch the Americans
What can compare with Americans?
Orphan Black? No that’s Canadians
Liz Clarke prefers The Americans!

From West Side Story, by Bernstein and Sondheim, as interpreted by Kjerstin Ohnstad and Brad Weiss


Your Name
  • Justin
    How did this not make the air? Brilliant!
    3729 days ago.
  • Jolene
    I was "anonymous" - not sure why my name didn't show up?!
    3766 days ago.
  • Anonymous Little
    Love that show and this jingle!
    3766 days ago.
  • Kj in St. Paul, MN
    So much fun to record this one! Thanks for having me, Brad!
    3767 days ago.