Fixed My Tire

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A parody of a song by Bruce Springsteen.
Recorded by Jeff in Gambrills
Recorded: 05/30/2015  Released: 06/01/2015  First aired: 06/01/2015


Hey looky here, says my pressure's low
Do the four perfect wheels I see
Make me a liar?
No, no, no, it's a run-flat tire.

Get lots of flats and it seems to me
That the glass and the nails and the screws I see,
They all conspire
Mmm, mmm, mmm, To pop my tire.

Sometimes it's like someone took a spike, baby,
Rusty and red. Cut a six inch valley in the middle of my tread.

Don't know what to ask, and I wouldn't if I did,
Put a grease-stained hand on my thousand dollar suit and said
Why don't you try 'er?
Mmm, mmm, mmm. I fixed your tire.
Mmm, mmm, mmm. I fixed your tire.

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Your Name
  • Jeff in Gambrills
    Mission accomplished, Rob!
    3321 days ago.
  • rob in Pittsburgh, PA
    as soon as I heard the drill I started gasping for air from laughing.
    3321 days ago.
  • Jeff in Gambrills
    Yes. A perfect Tony story. Glad you enjoyed the little detail bits.
    3323 days ago.
  • judofuse in Atlanta
    The sound effects are a great touch, and I like the "try'er" rhyme. This particular story resulting in multiple songs is a great example of the absurdity of the show .
    3323 days ago.