Maybe I'm Amazed

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A parody of a song by Paul McCartney.
Recorded by Jerry in Annandale, VA
Recorded: 11/22/2014  Released: 11/25/2014  First aired: 11/25/2014


Maybe it’s delayed ‘cause they think they’ll make some cash
no, that can’t be it, that idea's stupid
Maybe it’s delayed ‘cause their heads are up their ass
or they’re always smoking grass
Maybe it’s delayed 'cause they don't know how to work computers

I know I'm just a fan, but I’m sure I’m not the only fan
who would pay a little something
Doesn't the station understand?

Yes, I’m just a fan
And Tony I know right now the weasels ain't listening
‘cause they don’t really give a crap

A parody of Paul McCartney, “Maybe I’m Amazed"


Your Name
  • Charlotte Isbister
    Thank you for this collection. you're all amazing Littles.
    3460 days ago.
  • ToddInLexington in United States
    I apologize for not giving you DAP as soon as I heard this on the podcast. So perfectly cruel.
    3461 days ago.