I'd Really Love To See You Tonight

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A parody of a song by England Dan and John Ford Coley.
Recorded by Brad Weiss in Carrboro, NC
Recorded: 06/09/2014  Released: 06/11/2014  First aired: unaired


"Michelle" is awful (check) and "Kokomo" is horrific (done), but I believe this is the single cheesiest tune ever jingled. Straight from England Dan and and John Ford Coley, two names I never thought I would actually write out myself. No need to thank me for lowering the bar. Alright, then, if you must. You're welcome.

Hey Ton, yeah it's been awhile
No, no, it’s not Raju.
I know this show won’t take calls
So I’m really not sure who I’m talkin’ to

We could go hunting for your bocce ball
And have a bowl of that ice cream
Or learn to plug in your TV
But if you’d rather I’ll just send you stuff for free

I don’t need you to send me swag
I’ve had enough information for life
But I’ve written this jingle that’s pretty sweet
and I really hope you’ll play it this time

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Your Name
  • Kj in St. Paul, MN
    I'm all in on the cheese! Nice!
    3744 days ago.
  • Dannner in Takamatsu, Japan
    Love the cheesy 70s stuff. Someone needs to do the Piña Colada song!
    3753 days ago.
  • Brad Weiss in Carrboro, NC
    You are warming the cockles of my heart. My own experience is that I tune in the iTunes radio to "Beatles Radio" or "Van Morrison" or "Simon & Garnfunkel" just let them wash over me, and think, "did that, that one's been done, nice one by Joe," Jerry once wrote, "It's All Been Done" - oops, another jingle. We are all being pulled through this intractable time machine together And lest there be any doubt: I LOVE THIS TUNE, cheese and all.
    3754 days ago.
  • John Fitzpatrick in Arlington, VA
    Please forgive the length of this meandering post. So, a few weeks ago, when I was on a longish drive, I listened to the XM-Sirius 70s channel for many hours. There are tons of cheesy tunes from that era that I thought "ooooh, that's a jingle....ooooh, yeah, that's a jingle too" And yes, this was one of them, and yes, this may be the cheesiest. But I love the cheese. And the 70s tunes. So, this past weekend, I was on that channel and for a stretch of about 30 minutes, every song they played was one that had already been done! Including War! and The Stranger and on and on. It was this great stretch where I said "Did that. Brad did that. Jerry. KJ. Joe. Patrick." It was remarkable. And from it, I concluded that, my god!, how much time am I spending thinking about jingles! Yikes! Maybe this hiatus thing is a good thing? BTW, another nice job outta you, Brad.
    3754 days ago.