The Lady Is A Tramp

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A parody of a song by Frank Sinatra.
A Collaboration by John Fitzpatrick in Arlington, VA & Bill Barto in Columbus, OH
Recorded: 06/03/2014  Released: 06/07/2014  First aired: 06/11/2014


Another gem written by Bill B from Columbus, OH

The Old Man Is A Grump

He goes to parties but
doesn’t stay late
If he’s there by Seven
he’s leaving by Eight
He’s writing a book
about people he hates
That’s why the old man is a grump

Drives anywhere
starts at PTI
He hates the Bay Bridge
always closes his eyes
Doesn’t like flying
Wilbon not surprised
That’s why the old man is a grump

He likes the wind, but, he’s got no hair
He doesn’t care
He’s rich
life’s a bitch
Goes to John Connor ‘cause he hates to pump
That’s why the old man is a grump

A parody of "The Lady is a Tramp" in the style of Frank Sinatra

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Your Name
  • Kj in St. Paul, MN
    This was great. I haven't been on this site for too long and so it was a surprise when I heard it on-air. Nice, guys! Smooth vocals, John!
    3743 days ago.
  • John Fitzpatrick in Arlington, VA
    In fact, you called it before it had even been recorded, as it hit the ideas page! Does that make you a clairvoyeur?
    3754 days ago.
  • Jerry in Annandale, VA
    Bam, called it!
    3754 days ago.
  • Brad Weiss in Carrboro, NC
    A double! Nice!!! And a "nice!" from Jeannie!
    3754 days ago.
  • John Fitzpatrick in Arlington, VA
    I hope so, but there are so many good songs and only so many shows!
    3756 days ago.
  • Jerry in Annandale, VA
    This seems like a shoe-in to air, though it is a bit long. Great collaboration!
    3756 days ago.