Under My Thumb

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A parody of a song by The Rolling Stones.
Recorded by John Fitzpatrick in Arlington, VA
Recorded: 04/22/2014  Released: 04/22/2014  First aired: 04/23/2014


In case anyone caught Mike Wilbon's trendy fan fashion whilst "throwing out the first puck" at the Blackhawks' game Monday night, let us NEVER FORGET his Cubbies first pitch, shirt-tuck debacle.

"Under My Thumb [Un-tucked My Shirt]"

Un-tucked my shirt
Not like when I threw that Cubs’ first pitch
Un-tucked my shirt
Blackhawks let me push their puck around
Hey look at me
The difference in the clothes I wear
Look at me, the change has come,
I un-tucked my shirt
(Ain't it the truth, Tony?)

Number nine shirt
The fashion man who's just a droolin’ fan
Under my shirt
A man who pays two grand for pants
Forget it was me at that Cubs game
Its why I throw Carl Lewis under the bus
Look at me, the change has come
I untucked my shirt
(Ah, I ain’t surprised…)

A parody of "Under My Thumb" by The Rolling Stones

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Your Name
  • Dina
    Love it!
    3809 days ago.
  • chipster61 in Jackson, MO
    Fantastic! But then again I'm not surprised!
    3811 days ago.
  • John Fitzpatrick in Arlington, VA
    Thanks Patrick. A rare one that "arrived" almost instantly, fully formed, the moment I saw the photo of that silly hockey shot.
    3816 days ago.
  • Patrick Moffett in Sacramento, CA
    So damn good John!
    3817 days ago.
  • Dannner in Takamatsu, Japan
    Don't know why I thought this was gonna be about Jim Harbaugh.
    3817 days ago.
  • Hampton Nager in Dallas, TX
    Maybe I'm just used to cricket* but don't all players tuck in their shirts? *I will never be used to cricket.
    3818 days ago.