Free Formin' (FREE FALLIN')

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Recorded by joeythejammer in Ellicott City, MD
Recorded: 03/04/2014  Released: 03/05/2014  First aired: 03/10/2014


He's a bald man, loves The Beatles
loves Kind Bars, and cadillacs too
He's an orange man, he's not fond of bridges
hates airplanes, and moose cans too

It's a long show, waiting for the Mailbag
Only Nigel knows, the ones that make the air
I'll write a short note, maybe talk about my neighbor
Or my lunch plans, like anyone really cares
now I'm FREE.......FREE FORMIN'
The mailbag's's FREE FORMIN'

By Joe Aro/Ellicott City, MD
Dedicated to the new wave Mailbag.


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  • joeythejammer in Ellicott City, MD
    Damn! I missed QIYU's version too? I have to brush up on some of this stuff!!
    3774 days ago.
  • joeythejammer in Ellicott City, MD
    Wow. I had never listened to FREE MR. TONY before today. Had I known about it I would have probably skipped this idea.
    3774 days ago.
  • Jerry in Annandale, VA
    Nice, part 3 of the Free Fallin' epic started by Jarad & Qiyu, rivaling Hallelujah & Into the Mystic as the most lampooned song! And I think these lyrics could apply to the mailbag from early 2013 until about 2 weeks ago, too. Neighbors, lunch -- that's old hat now, the conversation has devolved into "My cat's sick" and "Marsha in Finance is sneaky fat." Groan.
    3774 days ago.