Patsy Bobcat (Year of the Cat - Al Stewart)

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A parody of a song by Al Stewart.
Recorded by OldAtHeart in Madison, WI
Recorded: 02/02/2017  Released: 02/02/2017  First aired: unaired


One morning Ollie escaped from his zoo cage
To the country where he sought out birds
He went strolling through the streets like a white-tailed deer
Giving birth in backyards

“He came back to the zoo” was the official story
“With some scratches and a minor disease”
Don’t bother believing that explanation
Tony’ll tell you the truth,
They found a patsy bobcat

Wild animals don’t have time for cages
And the locks that kept them interred
They always follow their sense of which direction
Takes them to the nearest food

Ollie found a dumpster near the Refugee Safeway
With the hidden stash of grapefruit juice
There’s no way he went back to animal prison
Like Oswald the government sold to you
A patsy bobcat


Your Name
  • Sean Morrissey in Frederick,MD
    I'm so glad this song has been jingled. Great job.
    2779 days ago.
  • Anita in Alaska in Anchorage,AK
    Patsy bobcat. Perfect.
    2786 days ago.
  • Brad Weiss in Williamsburg, VA
    I'm waiting for the Oliver Stone film. Very silly.
    2787 days ago.
  • robert berg in Pittsburgh, PA
    very nice! animal prison...LOVE that.
    2787 days ago.


This jingle is included in the following playlists:

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All of OldAtHeart's Jingles OldAtHeart in Madison, WI
All the TK Jingles of 2017 Jerry in Annandale, VA