Tony Kornheiser, Man (Hamilton) ft. Jason, Robert, KJ, & John F.

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A parody of a song by Lin-Manuel Miranda.
A Collaboration by Luke Overbey in Charleston, SC, Kj Ohnstad in Minnesota, John Fitzpatrick in Arlington, VA, Jason Fuse in Los Angeles & robert berg in Pittsburgh, PA
Recorded: 04/16/2016  Released: 04/17/2016  First aired: 04/20/2016


The idea for this jingle was conceived over a month ago, and was put together over the course of hundreds of emails since. This is by far the most fun and most complex jingle I’ve ever participated in. I actually thought about putting together a bibliography for all the references. Thanks to Jason Fuse, John Fitzpatrick, KJ Ohnstad, and Robert Berg for being willing to participate in this insanity. And Jason Fuse, for working some sort of production black magic to make this turn out the way it has.

This a parody of “Alexander Hamilton” by Lin-Manuel Miranda and the Original Broadway Cast of “Hamilton.”


How does an orange, bald man, always full of bombast
A talking head on a local radio show and podcast
Whose often pontificating one-percenter problems
Also have a show millions are watchin’?

It all started when Estelle and Ira had a child and
In the midst of his first cry, he said, “Do you know who I am?”
As a juvenile, couldn’t work the sippy cup when he tried it
He slammed it with a plastic hammer, cried, “That’s it!” and sent it flyin’

He grew guided by a desire to be a writer
So he penned opinion pieces on his teachers just to slight ‘em
His bar mitzvah, kinda insipid and uninspiring
Cause he couldn’t book the Classics featuring Howard Fineman

He found another way to captivate the dollies
His classmates, John Natobe and Richard Pollet
Brent Glass and Peter Lazarus practiced from top to bottom
To get on stage and pantomime “Lollipop” in bonnets

To avoid ridicule he got sent to sleepaway camp
Keeyumah where an older Jew named Larry was the main man
Soon Larry would leave, a theme he would cultivate
“But are you white or blue? Cause it’s ‘the break’
And what’s your name, cat?”

Tony Kornhesier, man
His name is Tony Kornheiser and
Soon he will be babblin’
On your airwaves, he’ll fulminate

In high school, Hewlett tended to be academic
But took driver’s ed with Sue, vision hypothetic
Esoteric, then a truck came through at Mach 2
The car door went kinetic, but Susan’s not moved

What followed next was college at Harpur up in Binghamton
Named for a professor of Alexander Hamilton
The future institution for a guard that dealt the crack rock
But first the alma mater of a goddess at the snack bar
The windows would detach and through the gap would walk a stacked blonde
Tony gawked slack jawed and stumbled back to land on
Pixie sticks, pepsi fizz spraying from their can tops
Crumpled in a sopping pile of junk, but what a bad bod!
In class on biology, Tony had missed the lab parts
He slacked off; the teacher said, “If you know it, you can pass”
He sallied, “Chimps become monkeys,” so that’s how he proved that
And soon the new grad would be a news man

At Newsday, he would be a news man (He’d go there)
From New York, he was a Hewlett man (Came from there)
Just like the dude that writes Scorpion
From Hewlett (Santora)  [No one cares!]
Tony Kornheiser, man (Tony Kornheiser and)
The Littles salute to you (Littles salute to you)
Nominally ‘bout sports but really info for life
Oh Tony Kornheiser, man (Tony Kornheiser and)
Why do we listen to you?
Will you talk about any games?
Or just trivia night you played?
And weather that’s not in my state, oh

At the Post readers jumped on the bandwagon for his columns (fourth estate)
Then Monday Night till Jon Gruden made it awesome (just so great)
But PTI is where he’s steady raking in the dollars

Glass grew up with him
Bubes is his one friend
Raju said enough with him
Chessie is stuck with him
And Wilbon saw this jingle comin’

All that’s left is the Browse About
Where he’ll migrate

What’s his name again?

Tony Kornheiser, man!


Your Name
  • Alex Hamilton
    Watching The opening number on Hamilton this morning on Disney+ reminded me to go back and listen to this absolutely sublime brilliance.
    1555 days ago.
  • Little in MA (originally from Columbia, MD)
    My 3yo masculine child, unfamiliar with Hamilton, requests this song by name and sings the chorus!
    2702 days ago.
  • Chef Mike Benninger
    It's just that good, nearly 9 months later, it's...just...brilliant...
    2845 days ago.
  • stevemiller78 in Half Moon Bay,CA
    Wow... just wow. You all help the show I listen to, my goodness every weekday.
    2857 days ago.
  • Luke Overbey in Charleston, SC
    An early version had a lyric line from a Jim Steinman song in the Susan Pfeffer section but I ended up changing it.
    3030 days ago.
  • Mark in n. Glendale
    Had to have post Tony award listen, still the best. Any thought to a Jim Steinman reference?
    3030 days ago.
  • Rashid from bahrain
    Amazing! It almost brought me to tears when I heard it on the podcast and I have been thinking about it for a couple of months! Thank you to all who worked in this amazing tribute
    3039 days ago.
  • KarrilK
    Still married after all these years. #Thanks for the mention
    3045 days ago.
  • George
    Most amazing tribute I've heard yet. Brilliant work.
    3076 days ago.
  • Thomas Graham in Tucson, As.
    I thought this was great. It made me go download the Hamilton soundtrack. This was better.
    3085 days ago.
  • Daz Efx in London
    Standing O! Encore!
    3085 days ago.
  • Clive in VA
    This is in no way a jingle, there's no way that I've been playing a jingle on full blast in my car, home, and gym. This is a doggone opus. The performances were unreal, everyone stuck to the flow of the song but delivered it in their own distinct styles. The lyrical content is unbelievable and the production, my god the production, that blew me away the most. When I first heard it on the show all I kept saying was holy f##^*ing sh#% BRAVO!
    3086 days ago.
  • drs_22 in Marlborough, MA
    3087 days ago.
  • Mary Ann
    I am blown away by the brilliance of this. ...and I haven't even see Hamilton....yet!
    3088 days ago.
  • CHinkle2 in Lakeland, FL
    Great everyone that worked on this...Amazing!!!
    3088 days ago.
  • Carroll Connelley in Stafford, VA
    Definitely the closer! Just amazing.
    3088 days ago.
  • Patrick Moffett in Sacramento, CA
    To echo the reaction on the show, this has to be the Liver closer
    3088 days ago.
  • Patrick Moffett in Sacramento, CA
    To all involved with this, all I can say is wow, wow, and wow! I have been listening to this show for about half of my absurd life and the amount of material piled into this collaboration, combined with the incredible performance is mind blowing.
    3088 days ago.
  • Swingmonalisa in Bel Air, MD
    I'll likely never see this musical so I'll consider this the definitive version of this song. This SHOULD set the new record for being on the most playlists. Simply fantastic
    3089 days ago.
  • robert berg in Pittsburgh, PA
    a lot of traffic again today. i blame the trolls. could be the songs too, i suppose.
    3089 days ago.
  • Jerry in Annandale, VA
    Some overt agenda-based trolling. Well done, Brad.
    3089 days ago.
  • Brad Weiss in Williamsburg, VA
    I hope this doesn't offend anyone , but the jingles just completely suck and all of you people need to get real lives and let the show return to its proper role as the purveyor of vital information about the NFL combine and NBA cap updates. More hot takes please, you losers [step one of my master plan to ever have a jingle played on air again, dishearten the rest of you wonderful people!]
    3089 days ago.
  • Sam Rhem
    Pure Gold!
    3089 days ago.
  • Steve Clementson in United States
    I was working on a jingle today. feeling pretty good about what i wrote. l then listened to this jingle and when it was over I went over and pushed delete. there was no sense in finishing it because no one, no one, will write a better jingle then this beast that as been unleashed on tk jingles just. drop the mike and walk away. I tip my cap to you humbled.
    3090 days ago.
  • Frank Smith
    Sounds wonderful!!!!! Great opening song for the new musical: Mr. Tony-"The Man Who Would be Sheep".
    3090 days ago.
  • Teresa
    Awed. Floored. Fantastic. Those are just some of the words that are wholly inadequate to praise this team effort. It will raise the "Liver" roof! The jingle Pulitzer goes to you!
    3090 days ago.
  • Mark Tahtinen
    Heard it today and f'n AWESOME just AWESOME
    3090 days ago.
  • Terry
    Beyond belief!
    3090 days ago.
  • robert berg in Pittsburgh, PA
    all hail Luke Overbey! every time he sent around revised lyrics this song got better and better. he shot for the moon, and incredibly enough, hit it.
    3090 days ago.
  • Jerry in Annandale, VA
    Tony Kornheiser Man for the $10!
    3090 days ago.
  • ElliotO in Hauppauge, NY
    Wow. Un f'n believable.
    3090 days ago.
  • Greg Smallwood in Waynesville, OH
    Absolutely fantastic -- had to jump to TK Jingles while it was playing to make sure I didn't miss a word. Reminded me of the first time I heard Bohemian Rhapsody more than 40 years ago . . .
    3090 days ago.
  • Jack Wright in Frederick, MD in United States
    This is absolutely incredible. Really well done guys.
    3090 days ago.
  • mrlip in Springfield, VA
    Kornheiser the Musical suggested.
    3090 days ago.
  • Ianthe
    Holy crap!
    3090 days ago.
  • Emmet
    Wow. This is an epic jingle. After today's show, I hope this one makes it on the show (perfect for a Thursday show).
    3091 days ago.
  • Anonymous Little
    I can't wait for the full-length musical.
    3091 days ago.
  • Norma
    Amazing as always - can't wait to meet you guys!
    3091 days ago.
  • John Fitzpatrick in Arlington, VA
    This one, great as it is, seems more likely to get near a Wurlitzer than a Pulitzer...
    3091 days ago.
  • Jim McManus you guys share the Pulitzer?
    3091 days ago.
  • Kj Ohnstad in Red Wing, MN
    Thanks, everyone! This was by far the most complex jingle I've participated in and absolutely one of the coolest. Special thanks to Luke for inviting me to join on this. Great job, was a blast! For some reason, out of all of these fabulous lyrics, I can't stop singing "for a guard that dealt the crack rock" around the house. Thanks for that.
    3092 days ago.
  • joeythejammer in Ellicott City, MD
    Can't find my jaw now.....
    3092 days ago.
  • jessegm in Ann Arbor, MI
    This was a fantastic jingle. A fantastic collaboration of voices!
    3092 days ago.
  • Marc
    3092 days ago.
  • Don in Washington, DC
    I've sent this jingle to almost everyone I know......think I'm going to send to people I don't even know
    3092 days ago.
  • John In Springfield
    3092 days ago.
  • pip77 in Centerville, OH
    3092 days ago.
  • chipster61 in Jackson, MO
    OMG!!!! Killer!
    3092 days ago.
  • mrlip in Springfield, VA
    3092 days ago.
  • Jolene in Grand Island, NE
    You guys are amazing!!! Love it!
    3092 days ago.
  • Jeff
    This is brilliant!
    3092 days ago.
  • Jen S_S
    Long-time jingles listener, first-time commenter. BRAVO, jinglers, that was amazing. I know the BIGs will appreciate, but man, I hope Tony's heard the Hamilton opener to know how awesome this is!
    3092 days ago.
  • judofuse in Atlanta
    Everyone brought their A+ game and made this one so much fun. This was my "Jingle to Be Named Later" addition to the setlist. :)
    3092 days ago.
  • PaulRichardson82 in Cleveland, Ohio
    This is the magnum opus of jingles.
    3092 days ago.
  • Brian in ATX
    OK, that's unbelievable!! Well done all, keep it up.
    3092 days ago.
  • Jerry in Annandale, VA
    The "Even Liver" setlist needs to be finalized in like a week or two so everyone please stop writing good material. Faxes & notes 'til June!!!
    3092 days ago.
  • Brad Weiss in Williamsburg, VA
    Well, you left out Errol Morris. Sweet Baby Jesus.. Truly amazing at every level.
    3092 days ago.
  • Anita in Alaska in Anchorage,AK
    Wow. Just wow. Talk about a team effort. It's from a musical so TK will love it. Hope it's on the playlist for Liver.
    3092 days ago.
  • Jerry in Annandale, VA
    Talk about commitment to the craft (& to the joke). This is unbelievable
    3092 days ago.
  • Sean Morrissey in Frederick,MD
    Holy shit, this is good. Kudos all around. Brilliantly done.
    3092 days ago.
  • robert berg in Pittsburgh, PA
    Jason really did crush the production, you crushed the concept and lyrics, KJ and John are money, and i was thrilled to be asked to participate. the only question is: will they play a 4 minute jingle?
    3092 days ago.
  • John Fitzpatrick in Arlington, VA
    One of the coolest, if not THE coolest, projects I've been involved with since I started jingling. Thanks to Luke, KJ, Jason & Rob for letting me join in. We did not throw away our shot!
    3092 days ago.


This jingle is included in the following playlists:

Playlist User
All of Luke Overbey's Jingles Luke Overbey in Charleston, SC
2017 Jingle Brackets Leftone in
All the TK Jingles of 2016 Jerry in Annandale, VA
Big Stick in Frederick Serge in Frederick, MD
bondo playlist nbondurant in columbia, md
Favorites aloyallitle in Los Angeles, Ca
Favorites Ron_fromPittsburgh in Pittsburgh, PA
Favorites Josh Elliott in Muncie, IN
Favorites DONNI3YEAGS in United States
Favorites Byron in Philadelphia, PA
Favorites Bobby in Bethesda, MD
Favorites sauman73 in Bennington, NE
Favorites Jerry in Annandale, VA
Favorites Kj Ohnstad in Minnesota
Favorites ths0127 in Melville, NY
Favorites chipster61 in Jackson, MO
Favorites Carroll Connelley in Stafford, VA
Favorites Brad Weiss in Carrboro, NC
Favorites Patrick Moffett in Sacramento, CA
Favorites jarad2112 in Washington, DC
Favorites RGHeadrick in Bethesda
Favorites DanLTaylor in Columbia, MD
Favorites booker in Wilkes-Barre, PA
Favorites Claire in Witness Protection
Favorites AdmasG in White Oak, Md
Favorites drs_22 in Marlborough, MA
Favorites Sean Morrissey in Frederick,MD
Favorites Swingmonalisa in Bel Air, MD
Favorites ElliotO in Commack, NY
Favorites robert berg in Pittsburgh, PA
Favorites Benny44 in St. John's
Favorites Michael E in Stafford VA
Favorites austin avenger in AUSTIN
Favorites kpcrowe in Chicago, IL
Favorites James in Atlanta
Favorites todddelaney in Auburn
Favorites Tony Daubert in Shenandoah Junction WV
Favorites pip77 in Centerville, OH
Favorites Grantlee221 in Chicago
Favorites Saras in GREENVILLE SC
Favorites Irish Jet in South Bend, IN
Favorites dgu464 in Oak Lawn, IL
Favorites Jenny Robbins in Annapolis, MD
Favorites Andy Fox in Arlington, VA
Favorites jessegm in Shanghai, China
Favorites paulgoeringer in College Park
Favorites Andy Lane in Las Vegas, NV
Favorites Redbocceball in Columbia, mo
Favorites chumphrey in West Virginia
Favorites that_guy in Uranus
Favorites sreske in Racine, WI
Favorites higgins9875 in Charlotte
Favorites Rob Newland in Mishawaka, IN
Favorites pokerdreams in Washington, DC
Favorites grimljo in Tulsa, OK
Favorites AGM375 in New York City
Favorites omalleycpa in Sherman Oaks, CA
Favorites JTags in Ankeny, IA
Favorites Bill Pitcher in Quarryville, Pa.
Favorites SullyFromBoston in Boston
Favorites Molbangs in 20016
Favorites Dwconnell in Melbourne, fl
Favorites ernmjb in Rensselaerville, NY
Favorites PaulRichardson82 in Cleveland, Ohio
Favorites obVIII in Harrisonburg, VA
Favorites dpbleach in Bayonne
Favorites Florida Mann in Jacksonville
Favorites in ontario,california
Favorites madarmadillo in Cincinnati
favorites 2 aafrank in Fairfax, VA
Hamilton in ontario,california
Jason Fuse 720 ernmjb in Rensselaerville, NY
Kj & Pals Kj Ohnstad in Minnesota
MFR Favorites rosie814 in Fairfax, VA
MOLLY’s FAVS Molbangs in 20016
MY FAVORITES joeythejammer in Ellicott City, MD
New Playlist ernmjb in Rensselaerville, NY
Overbeyt ernmjb in Rensselaerville, NY
RB ernmjb in Rensselaerville, NY
Rb 717 ernmjb in Rensselaerville, NY
Robert Berg Leftone in
Top 10 Patrick Moffett in Sacramento, CA
What a Waste of Time John Fitzpatrick in Arlington, VA