Personal Cheeses

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A parody of a song by Johnny Cash.
Recorded by Jerry in Annandale, VA
Recorded: 03/18/2015  Released: 03/18/2015  First aired: 03/24/2015


His own personal cheeses
sometimes he wants camembert
sometimes it’s gruyere

Sits all alone
with a radio
listening close
to the Kornheiser show
If TK describes it
Cheeseboy transcribes it

Works like a dog
on his media log
It’s sort of a blog
but he calls it a bog
Types on a computer
while nibblin' on gouda

He loves sampling cheeses...

A parody of Johnny Cash at death’s door cover of “Personal Jesus"

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Your Name
  • Jerry in Annandale, VA
    Originally by Depeche Mode but I did it in the semi-ironic, at-death's-door Johnny Cash style, so that's how I attributed the jingle.
    3455 days ago.
  • Chris in Milwaukee
    Awesome! Not so sure how perfect the listings need to be, but this is a Depech Mode song, not originally Johnny Cash (he did a great cover of it). Also, I always thought it would work to "Your own, personal, Google machine..."
    3456 days ago.
  • Kj in MN in St. Paul, MN
    So glad this aired! Awesome job, Jerry! I especially loved the "while nibblin' on gouda" line.
    3483 days ago.
  • rob in Pittsburgh, PA
    maybe, but it DOES mock the cheese boy and his transcription of TK's show, which he seems to like commenting on. and it's funny, of course. it just seems like a slam dunk to me. but i also thought that mike and mike song should have been on too. they're just so awful.
    3484 days ago.
  • Jerry in Annandale, VA
    I give it a 10% shot, Rob. It doesn't fit the Tony/Nigel selection criteria. (unless they listen to Eliot & use this as a lead in to his "Cheeseboy celebrity encounter" story)
    3484 days ago.
  • rob in Pittsburgh, PA
    i gotta believe this is the prohibitive favorite for the mailbag theme today. unlike actual cheese, it always leaves me wanting more.
    3484 days ago.
  • ElliotO in Hauppauge, NY
    What would be great would be if this got played and THEN Tony read my e-mail about my "celebrity encounter" with the Cheese Boy. (
    3486 days ago.
  • Jerry in Annandale, VA
    A few replies: Rob, Weird Al often has great moments buried in fadeouts so I always thought that was funny. Joe, didn't I say "bog?" Judo, my kids love Chuck E Cheese but I've never made that connection. I will have to pronounce it that way next time.
    3487 days ago.
  • judofuse in Atlanta
    My kid thought for a long time that Chuck E Cheese's was Chuck Jesus. This made me laugh as much as that did (a lot - every time it randomly popped in my head.)
    3487 days ago.
  • rob in Pittsburgh, PA
    i played this for someone at work today. the cheddar line in the fade killed him.
    3488 days ago.
  • geezertaz in Rockville, Md.
    That's great! What's next, Tom Waits "Chocolate Jesus"?
    3488 days ago.
  • joeythejammer in Ellicott City, MD
    I thought Steinberg did the BOG?
    3488 days ago.
  • Brad Weiss in Carrboro, NC
    Oooh. Way to brake out the baritone. I have food-themed tune ready to post.
    3488 days ago.
  • rob in Pittsburgh, PA
    this is fantastic. i am literally crying right now.
    3488 days ago.