Tony Got Crackers (Baby Got Back)
Oh, my, god. Jeanne, taste this cracker.
It is so bad. [scoff]
It looks like one of those brown rice triscuits.
But, you know, who understands those triscuits? [scoff]
I don't eat it, because, it is not a Ritz, 'kay?
I mean, the cracker, is just so bad.
I can't believe it's just so square, it's like, I mean— gross. Look!
It's just so... black pepper!
I like triscuits and I can not lie
You nutter butters can't deny
That when a cracker has such a wonderful taste
I just stuff it in my face
It's so yum, wanna pull out a ton
'Cause I noticed that cracker's crunch
The black chino jeans I'm wearing
Don't fit but I still ain't sharing
Oh baby, I wanna get fistfuls
You get the picture?
This might make me a junky
But that taste it has makes "me so hungry"
My orange bald head don't want none
Unless it's got sea salt, hun
You can do fire-roasted tomato,
You can try cranberry or sage
Maybe wheat, cinnammon and sugar
But baked wheat just ain't my lane
So I toss it and leave it
But salt and pepper I really need it
So this might make me fat
Well I don't care about that that!
So my waist ain't small or close to Junior's
But his is just rumor
So, ladies! (Yeah!) Ladies! (Yeah)
If you wanna eat something tasty (Yeah!)
Then grab a box! Don't throw it out!
Even the littles got to shout!
Tony got crackers!
Tony got crackers!
Tony got crackers!
A little bit of wine but he got a lot of crackers
A little bit of wine but he got a lot of crackers
A little red wine but he got a lot of crackers
A little red wine but he got a lot of crackers
A parody of Sir Mix-A-Lot's "Baby Got Back"