Get Back

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A parody of a song by The Beatles.
Recorded by Jerry in Annandale, VA
Recorded: 09/03/2014  Released: 09/04/2014  First aired: unaired


Tony had a show
but left us for the summer
He took his talents to Delaware
Was he coming back?
A couple Littles wondered
Yes, a few of us still care

He’s back, he’s back
on the radio where he belongs
He’s back, he’s back
on the radio where he belongs

A parody of The Beatles, "Get Back"

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Your Name
  • Kj in St. Paul, MN
    Really nice performance, Jerry!
    3581 days ago.
  • OttoBuzzkill in Pickerington, OH
    Loooove it!!
    3587 days ago.
  • Brad Weiss in Carrboro, NC
    Oooh, now off my list. Kind of a Lebron tribute hidden there, too, if I'm not mistaken.
    3591 days ago.