The Very Model of a Modern Yodeling Talkshow Host

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A parody of a song by Gilbert & Sullivan.
Recorded by Brad Weiss in Carrboro, NC
Recorded: 04/14/2014  Released: 04/15/2014  First aired: 11/21/2018


I’ve listened to the podcast host who goes by Tony Kornheiser
With information for life that will certainly not leave you wiser
All his lack of insights into finance are conspicuous
He rarely carries credit cards which simply is ridiculous

The things he doesn’t know about health care are incomparable
And most find his reports on hockey strikingly unbearable
He’s full of naught but insult for the field of vulcanology

And please don’t get me started on his gaffes in anthropology

His views on primatology are shockingly inaccurate
And still he likes to brag about his honorary doctorate

Such insights you could get from drinking 12 to 14 Budweisers
But what did you expect from listening to Tony Kornheiser?

After "The Major General Song" from _Pirates of Penzance_

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Your Name
  • Ruth Bandler
    2047 days ago.
  • ElliotO in Commack, NY
    And now he actually has his honorary doctorate!
    2253 days ago.
  • Thomas Graham in Tucson, As.
    Simply great
    3040 days ago.
  • Jack Wright in Frederick, MD in United States
    Ha! I was thinking about doing something to this song. Fantastic!
    3730 days ago.
  • Dannner in Takamatsu, Japan
    3731 days ago.