Avocado (to the tune of "In the Ghetto" words by Rich Barajas)

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A parody of a song by Elvis Presley.
Recorded by John Welsh in Somerville, MA
Recorded: 10/10/2014  Released: 10/11/2014  First aired: 10/17/2014


A genius idea from Rich Barajas in El Paso -- hope we get to hear Kurkjian laugh at this one day.

As dinner time comes
On a cold and gray MLB mornin'
Tim Kurkjian desperately looks for
Avocado ("Avocado!")

And his wife cries
Cause if there is one thing that she don't need
It's a hungry Kurkjian in desperate need of
Avocado ("Avocado!"

Littles don't you understand
that Kurkjian needs a helping hand
Or he's gonna be a sad analyst today
Take a look at you and me
Are we too blind to see
Or do we simply shake our heads and offer him some greens

Well it's dinner time
And a hungry Kurkjian with a hankerin'
Is out in the street in desperate need of
Avocado ("Avocado!"


Your Name
  • joeythejammer in Ellicott City, MD
    Timely, and so funny!!!!
    3621 days ago.
  • Ricardo Bahena
    This is great, I was laughing to my tears, and Tim is he angry or desperate? You nailed it John
    3623 days ago.
  • Pat from NY
    I almost wet my pants laughing at the song, then hearing Kurkjian's reaction, I did!
    3624 days ago.
  • Kj in St. Paul, MN
    Awesome! Looking forward to hearing him laugh at this on podcast. Sonsabitches. Happy belated, Rich! What a nice birthday present:)
    3625 days ago.
  • John
    Yay! Happy birthday, Ruth! The
    3627 days ago.
  • rdb41 in El Paso, Texas
    Highest compliment possible ... we scored a stupid song!! Great job once again, John, And it's my birthday today as well!
    3627 days ago.
  • John Welsh in Somerville, MA
    Woohoo Rich! we're gonna get this on for sure!
    3629 days ago.
  • Hampton Nager in Dallas, TX
    Blood in the water! All they need is for Kurkjian to return before you hear this played, seemingly. Great jerb.
    3630 days ago.