Chuck Todd Bumper Music

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Recorded by robert berg in Pittsburgh, PA
Recorded: 09/12/2017  Released: 09/08/2018  First aired: 09/12/2019


I sent this in last year when I thought Mr Sterne had asked for a Chuck Todd gambling jingle. As soon as I hit send I re-read the subject line of the email and saw he was looking for a Reginald song, so then I wrote the Zoo jingle. Jerry asked if the Cillizza song is available digitally, but since it is not I am posting this in its stead...for some reason. I don't know why. It seems compensatory, somehow. I guess.

Here comes Chuck Todd
He has studied the odds
To pick 7 games this week
Only the best
Become Kornheiser guests
So, bet with impunity

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  • joeythejammer in Ellicott City, MD
    2123 days ago.