Unchained Mailbag (Director's Cut)

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Recorded by Qiyu Liu in Atlanta, GA
Recorded: 09/27/2013  Released: 09/30/2013  First aired: 09/30/2013


This is the unaired version of my rendition of the mailbag jingle set to "Unchained Melody". I didn't submit this one because the audio quality is worse, overlooking the fact that the ending (starting at 34 seconds) more than makes up for it.


Your Name
  • Qiyu Liu in Atlanta
    I have to agree with you - as soon as I heard their on-air reaction, I immediately regretted my decision to not submit this one! Maybe I'll send it over one day and they can play it when there's a lapse in new submissions.
    4007 days ago.
  • Jerry in Annandale, VA
    Now that I've heard the podcast I wish this is the one you submitted! Gary was calling for the epic vocal fail during the whole song and you actually DID IT, just not on the version they listened to. Thanks for submitting this, it's given me many good laughs.
    4008 days ago.
  • Jerry in Annandale, VA
    I haven't heard it on the show yet, but the ending of this "director's cut" is hi-larious
    4009 days ago.