Like A Sports Talk Host (Rolling Stone)

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A parody of a song by Bob Dylan.
Recorded by Qiyu Liu in Atlanta, GA
Recorded: 10/08/2013  Released: 10/16/2013  First aired: unaired


I sent this to Nigel last week but it appears to have been passed on, possibly because the lyrics are a little aggressive, definitely because I have a terrible Dylan impression/can't actually sing. If anyone wants to give it a shot, be my guest!

"Like A Sports Talk Host"

Once upon a time at the Washington Post
You kept us so engrossed, columns with the most, didn't you?
People would attest, "Tony, you're the best!"
Even the Style section was befittin' you
Nominated for a Pulitzer
A TV show with Jason Alexander
Now you're orange and fully bald
Selling windows to be installed
Saying "Boom! I believe I had that" and "What is your deal?"

How does it feel
Tony, how does it feel
To have a job so morose
No calls from Jeff Bezos
Like a sports talk host?