La Cheeserie/The Rose (podcast version) feat. KJ Ohnstad

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A parody of a song by Bette Midler.
A Collaboration by Tony Beeson in Cincinnati, Ohio & Kj Ohnstad in Minnesota
Recorded: 04/16/2018  Released: 04/16/2018  First aired: 05/02/2018


a Parody of "The Rose" by Bette Midler, featuring vocals by KJ Ohnstad

Some say Cheese, it is a Junk Food, that clogs your arteries
Some say Cheese, full of Cholesterol, can lead to Heart Disease
Some say Cheese, it is unhealthy, more dairy than you need...
But I say Cheese, it is Delicious - and its found at La Cheeserie

It is the Heart afraid of clogging that never learns to beat
and the tongue afraid of tasting, that never learns to eat
its the ones who won't try cheeses, with names they can't pronounce
and the miser afraid of spending more than 50 cents an ounce

In the Night, if you get hungry and you feel the urge to snack
and you are Brave enough to think that cheese won't cause you a Heart Attack

Just remember, there's a counter there within Calvert Woodley; where there's cheese - there in abundance at the place called... La Cheeserie

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Your Name
  • Kj Ohnstad in Red Wing, MN
    It turns out this has been a popular song to jingle. Shoutouts are in order for Joe Aro & ElliotO, and Nick DiPillo for their previous renditions of this one.
    2347 days ago.