Deer Arrogance (Dear Prudence)

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A parody of a song by The Beatles.
Recorded by OldAtHeart in Madison, WI
Recorded: 05/26/2016  Released: 05/26/2016  First aired: unaired


Deer arrogance
They like dusk and dawn
Deer arrogance
They're patrolling your lawn

They'll jump your fence
They'll tease Chessie
They're taking a nap
Under your big old tree

Deer arrogance
When will the nightmare end?

Deer arrogance
They have those big doe eyes
Deer arrogance
They're just not that nice

They eat your flowers
Your veggies, too
Get in their way
And they'll trample you

Deer arrogance
They'll rip your lungs out, Jim...