My City of Ruins (DeSean, What Were You Doing?)

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A parody of a song by Bruce Springsteen.
Recorded by Jerry in Annandale, VA
Recorded: 12/07/2015  Released: 12/08/2015  First aired: 12/08/2015


There was some awful football
in DC last night
And near the end the ‘skins & Cowboys were tied at 9
But then the star receiver
tried to make a play
and took the football 23 yards in the wrong way
DeSean, what were you doing?
What the f*** were you doing?

You can’t make this up
You can’t make this up

A parody of Bruce Springsteen, "My City of Ruins"

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Your Name
  • judofuse in Atlanta
    Sounds really great. This jingle and reading the tweets last night - both more entertaining than watching the game.
    3133 days ago.
  • Kj Ohnstad in Red Wing, MN
    I'm glad you went against your impulses to do this one. So good! I had an entirely different reason for watching until the end last night (as Rob and Anita know) but I'm glad to know exactly what you are singing about here as I was screaming the exact same thing at my TV.
    3134 days ago.
  • Jerry in Annandale, VA
    I turned the game on for the second half and it was so putrid I decided I had to do SOMETHING. All credit to "DJax" for providing the spark.
    3134 days ago.
  • robert berg in Pittsburgh, PA
    that...does not sound like a compliment, brad. as an aside, i am proud that everyone stayed up and watched that horrendous game last night. it shows great fortitude. and jerry was working the beat, in multiple ways. good work, team.
    3134 days ago.
  • Brad Weiss in Williamsburg, VA
    I get it. When I think of Rob Berg, Bea Arthur often springs to mind.
    3134 days ago.
  • mrlip in Springfield, VA
    Great advice John.
    3134 days ago.
  • John Fitzpatrick in Arlington, VA
    Anita, don't think of it so much as a problem, more like a feature.....
    3134 days ago.
  • Jerry in Annandale, VA
    Pandering? Check.
    3134 days ago.
  • Anita from Alaska
    Mr. Berg - that's the problem. Forever. In. Your. Head. Example Balding Jordan Spieth
    3134 days ago.
  • John Fitzpatrick in Arlington, VA
    Rob, as ever, I am humbled (and a little scared?) by your submission to that tune ;-)
    3134 days ago.
  • Brad Weiss in Williamsburg, VA
    Good is Good. A twist on the Faber College motto. Horrible milk drinking incident. Check. Flacca botanical enthusiasm. Check. Pandering Bruce imitation on a Tuesday. Check. This one is great -and it's so YOU! Punchy, musical, to the point, get in, make 'em laugh, get out.
    3134 days ago.
  • robert berg in Pittsburgh, PA
    you might think these football jingles are only good for 24 hours, but this morning I have been singing Lost to the Giants Again all morning, and that thing is a year old. if a jingle is good enough it sticks in your head, and you remain its prisoner...forever, maybe.
    3134 days ago.
  • mrlip in Springfield, VA
    Now you're speaking my language! Nice work.
    3134 days ago.
  • John Fitzpatrick in Arlington, VA
    I get that, Jerry, but after two plus years, there is now such a range of work on the site that the reasons any one tune might arrive here have diversified greatly from what got this thing started. I've written plenty of football game or story specific tunes, and ultimately they're all just songs I was compelled to do. This is great, and I'm glad to see that despite those first impulses, you went ahead and did it anyway. Many smiles and laughs ensue, and that's a really good thing. Bravo!
    3134 days ago.
  • Anita from Alaska
    Perfect of course.
    3134 days ago.
  • Jerry in Annandale, VA
    I dislike songs about individual football games. I dislike just-in-time songs that are only funny for about 24 hours. And yet, as the game wound down last night I did this anyway.
    3134 days ago.