Love Her Madly [Nats Are Tanking, Sadly]

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A parody of a song by The Doors.
Recorded by John Fitzpatrick in Arlington, VA
Recorded: 08/16/2015  Released: 08/16/2015  First aired: unaired


Yeah, noting has happened in the last two weeks to change the direction, so this one was just too damn prescient. It'll take a miracle and these guys don't seem like the miracle types. Grrrr

OK, so it may be a bit soon to say playoff chances are gone, but man they need a major turnaround to prove me wrong. I was going to wait until Tony's show comes back to post (and maybe revise this) but Matt the Mismanager has got me so PO'd I went ahead, so here it is. Aargh! Where's the JWB.....

"Love Her Madly"

Nats are tanking, sadly
Yeah they’re losing badly
Used to love their ways
Sure were hot in May

Williams managed badly
Made the Mets their daddy
Bullpen’s a disgrace
That Division title walked right out the door
That’s the kind of thing that Matt should answer for

Rizzo loved his ways
Here’s what the fans say
We would love to see Matt walkin' out the door

Lost fans’ love
Turn in your glove
Let’s dispose of
He needs a shove

Playoff chances gone
So let’s pass the baton
Matt can’t steer this team
Williams’ instincts seem to be off the mark


Your Name
  • rob in Pittsburgh, PA
    unfortunately (for Nats fans) this jingle is a bullseye, but it absolutely should be the lead in for the inevitable rant. hell, this could get trotz trotz trotz traction for the whole month.
    3239 days ago.
  • Kj Ohnstad in Red Wing, MN
    What Fuse said! Bravo, John!
    3240 days ago.
  • judofuse in Atlanta
    Very cool man. This should be the lead-in for the Nats rant that is coming the first week of September.
    3244 days ago.