Snack Bar Goddess (Jukebox Hero)

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A parody of a song by Foreigner.
Recorded by mrlip in Springfield, VA
Recorded: 06/11/2015  Released: 06/11/2015  First aired: 06/11/2015


Mr. Tony got an email from a girl he crushed on in college that he didn't even have the nerve to speak to and you could basically see him blush on the radio. He called her a "snack bar goddess" and I've never heard anyone referred to by that name.

Standing in the snack bar, with his head hung low
Scary freaky Art Spiegelman, wasn’t Mr. Tony’s bro
Saw the window open up, was a girl in her teens
With blond hair, comin’ in from the street
Saw Wendy Schlesinger, she just blew him away
They never spoke a word, 50 years passed away

Got a surprise email, which Mr. Tony adored
Couldn’t Google her picture, but he knew for sure
His accountant Norman, would soon comprehend
Their wide eyed fear, was comin to an end
Wendy Schlesinger, wanted to say hello
Just a blast from the past, Tony’s all aglow

So he started talkin', ain't never gonna stop
Tony's gonna keep on talkin' baby, about the girl from the soda shop

Cuz she’s a Snack Bar Goddess
(Wilbon's not surprised)
She’s a Snack Bar Goddess
(Wilbon's not surprised)
It took one email,
Snack Bar Goddess,
One email
Stars in his eyes
Stars in his eyes

by Steve Lipton


Your Name
  • Kj in MN in St. Paul, MN
    Great story, great jingle. Bonus with the Foreigner too.
    3390 days ago.
  • Hampton Nager in Dallas, TX
    I want to know what love is. I know you can show me - the way to teh funnay.
    3404 days ago.
  • rob in Pittsburgh, PA
    I'm gonna spend some time working on my voice this summer. if I can get control of a few notes on each end that might just be enough to fix some issues I'm having.
    3404 days ago.
  • mrlip in Springfield, VA
    Ha ha well I'm a sucker for a all things ridiculous and trying to reach those notes definitely counts as ridiculous.
    3404 days ago.
  • rob in Pittsburgh, PA
    ballsy to go to the summit on this one. I'd have just come down an octave and it would have been lifeless. "his accountant Norman" is just so funny in a rock anthem!
    3404 days ago.
  • mrlip in Springfield, VA
    Of course when they set this on the show Tony says "She Came In Through The Snack Bar Window." Why didn't I think of THAT?
    3404 days ago.
  • judofuse in Atlanta
    Yeah, they had a lot of silly lyrics but Lou Gramm is/was the real deal when it comes to belting out arena rock tunes. This is funny and quick, nice job!
    3404 days ago.
  • Mike M. in Fairfax, VA
    One email.
    3404 days ago.
  • mrlip in Springfield, VA
    I also learned that guy from Foreigner sure has some iron pipes. I'll be feeling this one for weeks.
    3404 days ago.