SMH SMH (Nonsense to Me)

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A parody of a song by Roger Miller.
Recorded by Jason Fuse in Los Angeles
Recorded: 03/10/2015  Released: 03/10/2015  First aired: unaired


I love the idea of Tony having a social media coach at PTI. Basically I just crammed as many twitter abbreviations/slang terms in here as possible... It might make sense if translated. Apparently all of these are things people actually say/tweet.

Mr Ton' and Wilbon hangin' out with Sarafina
Talkin' 'bout hashtags and being on fleek
YOLO, FOMO, side piece selfie
Mupload that ish now
It's nonsense to me

Never ever thinkin' there was meanin' to the phrases
They were tweetin' and sayin' out loud
Never dreaming Saraphina was just a feedin'
Them some things to make the kids say Wow

Mr Ton' and Wilbon hangin' out at PTI
Turnt up jump offs thirsty for their bae
Twittin' 'bout FTW, FTL, FML
It's nonsense to me
It's nonsense to me

Parody of Roger Miller's "Oo-De-Lally" AKA "Robin Hood and Lil' John"
(That song that anyone who gets all these twitter references only knows because of a recent Android commercial)

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Your Name
  • Anita from Alaska
    3199 days ago.
  • Kj in MN in St. Paul, MN
    OMG! One of my favorite childhood songs too! I had a vinyl with all the Robin Hood songs. This is so funny. Nice job!
    3477 days ago.
  • judofuse in Atlanta
    Cool. I really liked that animated Robin Hood with the fox as a kid. I'd love to hear what you do with the song. I'm sure it'll make more sense than this insanity.
    3481 days ago.
  • Patrick Moffett in Sacramento, CA
    Was working on a jingle to this tune, childhood favorite, LOVE this!
    3481 days ago.