Podcast ("At Last" -- Etta James)

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A parody of a song by Etta James.
Recorded by John Welsh in Somerville, MA
Recorded: 02/27/2014  Released: 02/27/2014  First aired: unaired


Pod... cast....
Nigel's got the news all wrong
Anne Hornaday's got movies
And Negrelli's got a song

Oh yeah, yeah

Now that football season's through
they'll just talk about the weather
'till it's time for Chad's haiku

I've found a team
that I could cheer for
a team whose name is not PC
a quarterback that sponsors kneel to
an opera queen named RGIII

Oh yeah, we cry
we cry
the sales weasels have been asked
but we still have to forever
to hear the next

A parody of the magnificent Etta James' "At Last"