Gold Toe Surprise

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A parody of a song by America.
Recorded by joeythejammer in Ellicott City, MD
Recorded: 01/13/2023  Released: 01/13/2023  First aired: 01/23/2023


Well my son just called me Grandpa, with his face full of disgust
Cuz the socks I wear are Gold Toe, they're the only kind I trust
Now and then I'll wear "compression"
and I do agree they're high
but this new pack almost comes up to my thighs

Yes I always like full coverage
it's the short sock I despise
but there are holes in all the old ones
See these teardrops in my eyes?
I guess I'll have to go to Target
and I'll probably wait in a long line
but these shapeless old man tube sox I must find....

by Joe Aro
Parody of "Sister Golden Hair" by AMERICA

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  • Hinkle McKrinkleberry
    539 days ago.


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