They Gouged Me At The Burger King

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A parody of a song by Neil Diamond.
Recorded by joeythejammer in Ellicott City, MD
Recorded: 08/12/2022  Released: 08/12/2022  First aired: 08/18/2022


I just wanted fast food.
A whopper, some fries
I knew that I'd get screwed

Drive, I took a short drive
I had some cash....I pulled out a five

Been ten years since I've been there
I'm goin' to a Burger King
I’m never going back again….
They gouged me at the Burger King....

I'm stunned! I guess I'll have to buy the meal.
Cuz $14 bucks is not a deal!!
Yeah that seems pretty get a whopper and fries!!

By Joe Aro
Parody of Neil Diamond's "AMERICA"

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  • Jolene
    I laughed out loud! Great job!
    694 days ago.