Spitting in a Tube

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A parody of a song by The Beatles.
Recorded by Brad Weiss in Carrboro, NC
Recorded: 10/09/2018  Released: 10/09/2018  First aired: 10/17/2018


Fab Four encore

Da da da da da dum dum da
Da da da da da dum dum da

If you want to control your weight
And if caffeine bothers you
To track your health through your ancestry
You just spit in a tube

So you think that you like ice cream?
But you wonder, “Can I be sure?”
Well don’t eat that til you’ve got the results
From spitting in a tube

You might be a restless sleeper
It’s right there in your genes
Or you could just ask the person
You're kicking in your sleep!

If it’s bitterness that you crave
And the salty stuff you eschew
The principle is the same as fit-bit
Plus spitting in a tube