Michael I Was Just Calling (Second version of earlier song with music)

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A parody of a song by Johnny Cash.
Recorded by andrewnprice in Marietta, Ga
Recorded: 03/17/2017  Released: 03/17/2017  First aired: unaired


Michael I’m just calling, calling you my son
To let you know I had two gloves but now I just have one
I don’t know where it went, it was here and then it was gone
This is what you have to look forward once your old and orange

There is only one solution to this mess that I am in
Tell your mother and I am headed off to Delaware again
I am going to go to hit up those outlet malls and drop a few benjamins
Sure I’ll lose those new gloves by next fall
But why do I care when it is just your inheritance?

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  • DC
    This was aired as the intro to the March 22 mailbag segment.
    2532 days ago.