Bill Lehecka
Started at 9:27pm, completed at 9:49pm. Easiest $10 I ever made, Lehecka.
Bill-ill-ill-ill Lehecka
Bill-ill-ill-ill Lehecka
where you been oh
I guess you been sleeping
Oh, I guess you were sleeping and you missed
how we added the jingles
Nigel plays all these jingles
one every day and as many as 8 on a Thursday
Oh, now where is my dinero?
oh where is my dinero?
You said 10 bucks, I want 10 bucks, give me 10 bucks
Bill Lahecka, Bill Lahecka
Bill-ill-ill-ill Lehecka
Bill-ill-ill-ill Lehecka
oh welcome back,
maybe you should write jingles
I’ve got a head start but you can catch up
if you write ten a day now!!!
A parody of Ritchie Valens, "La Bamba"
This jingle is included in the following playlists: