Buffalo Snowstorm [Buffalo Soldier]

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A parody of a song by Bob Marley.
Recorded by T. Chappell Aldridge in the Past
Recorded: 01/21/2016  Released: 01/21/2016  First aired: unaired


Buffalo Snowstorm, it’s a dread disasta.
Here comes a Buffalo Snowstorm to the heart of America,
Nothing in Jamaica, it's the District of Columbia,
Awaiting its arrival, fighting for survival.

I mean it, when I analyze the stench -
Cannibalism made a lot of sense:
How it was I toldya
In the Buffalo Snowstorm.
Stronger then than Syracuse,
Bigger than Binghampton.
I say it won’t be pretty
Even close Bagel City
Oy oy oy! oy oy oy oy oy,

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Your Name
  • Kj Ohnstad in Red Wing, MN
    Wonderful! And we really do need more reggae.
    3077 days ago.
  • T. Chappell Aldridge in the Past
    There was some possible play with the Jamaica in New York City, but I would have had Gary saying "Jamaica? I never even met her!"
    3086 days ago.
  • robert berg in Pittsburgh, PA
    we need more reggae! so well done.
    3086 days ago.
  • mrlip in Springfield, VA
    PNJO goes reggae - excellent work!
    3086 days ago.
  • joeythejammer in Ellicott City, MD
    3086 days ago.
  • Anita from Alaska
    I hope everyone lives to hear this one. Fabulous.
    3087 days ago.
  • judofuse in Atlanta
    Very funny stuff. Enough to close Bagel City - now THAT is a new DEFCON level for winter storms.
    3087 days ago.