That's What the Mailbag's For (feat. Kjerstin Ohnstad)

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A parody of a song by Dionne Warwick.
A Collaboration by Kyle H. in Merced, CA & Kj Ohnstad in Minnesota
Recorded: 09/08/2015  Released: 09/10/2015  First aired: 09/11/2015


Mailbag, Mr. Tony's mailbag, got your emails, faxes, notes
TK jingles and some Shad
And some jokes you might remember

And then, got some info for your life
Wear some white when on a bike
No, we're not doing Stonehenge
That's the stuff you should remember

The chicken, f---ing chicken,
Can we get something else besides the chicken, just once
That's what the mailbag's for

How much weight, can I bench press?
Damned if you could guess 394
That's what the mailbag's for


Your Name
  • Kj Ohnstad in Red Wing, MN
    Thanks everyone! And thanks especially to Kyle for asking! It was way more fun than it probably should have been to insert the bleep line :)
    3305 days ago.
  • judofuse in Atlanta
    Excellent job weaving all those together in the lyrics and singing it in a way that makes it even more compelling. You guys made this sound easier than it is.
    3312 days ago.
  • rob in Pittsburgh, PA
    so good. and i think KJ is getting even better as a singer. i don't know how but i think she is.
    3312 days ago.
  • Brad Weiss in Williamsburg, VA
    Are you speaking Chinese? Who knew that every tired old joke could be trotted out and make me laugh all over again! Even the f*ing chicken!!
    3313 days ago.
  • Kyle H. in Merced, CA
    Jerry, here's an evergreen mailbag theme
    3313 days ago.