While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Now I have a Beatles song. I added a 2 minute+ guitar solo at the end... well, because it's an all time great chord progression to play over.
I look at the sky and see the clouds are retreating
I'll call Michael now just to see
Four blocks up, rain has stopped, still the call is worth repeating
Hey Michael it's not raining here on me
I dont know why he's not answering his phone
Just wanted him to know
I only dialed to give him info
Weather is so apropos
I want a full report of warm fronts you see surging
Call Michael when it's rain you see
Every one out there around the world I am urging
Call Michael with any rain you see
[endless guitar solo]
Based on "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" by The Beatles
This jingle is included in the following playlists: