He Ain't Breathing, Adam Silver

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A parody of a song by Neil Diamond.
A Collaboration by JG in Boston & Jerry in Annandale, VA
Recorded: 05/04/2015  Released: 05/05/2015  First aired: 05/08/2015


The season’s long
When everyone tries to lose
and I wonder who’s in charge?
Who’s in charge?

Why won't he fix
this nonsense from Popovich?
He ain’t breathing,
Adam Silver

A parody of Neil Diamond, "He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother"

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  • judofuse in Atlanta
    Very funny idea. And I mean, do I even have to say Jerry did a great job evoking yet another vocal style? At this point I just assume he's gonna sound pretty close to whomever, regardless of genre. Was funny to see Silver on PTI this week in studio - wanting to show proof of life I'm guessing - so timing on this one is nice as well.
    3351 days ago.