Yummy Yummy Yummy

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A parody of a song by Ohio Express.
Recorded by Neil From Rockville in Rockville
Recorded: 10/03/2014  Released: 10/10/2014  First aired: 10/10/2014


Original Lyrics by NiR, as performed by the Blohio Blexpress:

Yummy, yummy, yummy
Got icecream in my tummy, and I feel like another bite
Icecream’s such a sweet thing, I can eat it all day
Or standing at the si-ink all night

Ooh love to eat ya, ooh love to spoon ya
Ooh how I love it so, ooh there’s notin sweeter
It’s Sweeter than sugar
Ooh icecream, Iwantmoreof it sooo

Yummy, yummy, yummy
Got icecream in my tummy, and as silly as it may seem
The icecream that you’ve sent me is never enough
I’ll take pistachio over peaches and cream

I like coffee, even like chocolate
I could eat a gallon or twooo
It may sound funny, but I’d spend my own money
Oh icecream, I love youuuuuu !!!

Ba, da, ba, da, da , da, da
Ba, da, da, da, da, da

A parody of Ohio Express, "Yummy, Yummy, Yummy"