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Recorded by Brad Weiss in Carrboro, NC
Recorded: 09/19/2014  Released: 09/23/2014  First aired: unaired


Ok, it's not a jingle. What is it? You tell me. Special thanks to Julie Corsaro for her part in this, and extra special thanks to Joe Farrell, and for his suggestions, too!

Husband: Oh no!

Wife: What’s the matter dear?

Husband: Why, it’s your email again; a small child could do better than this!

Wife: Hon, really!

Husband: Sorry, dear, but just read it: “My cat also likes grapefruit juice” ?

Wife: But what else can I do? I’m trying to get better!

[Phone rings]

Wife: Oh, Joe Farrell, what can I do? My husband says my emails stink, and I’m trying to make them better.

Joe Farrell: Listen sweetheart, have you tried some deadpan sarcasm?

Wife: Sarcasm?

Joe Farrell: You heard me, sarcasm. The old guys a pushover for it. Either that or mention Dino Danelli, and Uranus

Wife: Ok, I’ll give it a shot


Husband: Say, honey, this email’s wonderful!

Wife: Oh do you really think so: “Dear Grandpa, Thanks ever so much for the constructive criticism. We shall endeavor to elevate our writing to the erudite standards this podcast inspires. Sincerely yours, Noël Coward.”

Husband: Ha ha!

Iiiiiiit’s SARCASM!

Wife: 7 out of 8 Littles prefer Sarcasm

Husband: Sarcasm, for better mailbag.

Joe Farrell: Heh heh, Uranus

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Your Name
  • joeythejammer in Ellicott City, MD
    Yepp, I'd resubmit!!!
    3158 days ago.
  • Kj in St. Paul, MN
    I agree! Julie was a great choice! Nice job outta Joe and Brad too, of course.
    3636 days ago.
  • joeythejammer in Ellicott City, MD
    This is so freakin' hilarious!!! Julie has a great PSA/COMMERCIAL voice!!! Brad, as always, awesome!!
    3650 days ago.
  • John Fitzpatrick in Arlington, VA
    Stretching the boundaries, AND getting the laughs - Love it! Nice job, Julie. If you can't beat him, join him, eh?
    3651 days ago.