The Smartest Man In Washington (Crazy Little Thing Called Love)

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A parody of a song by Queen.
A Collaboration by RobertSz in Winnipeg,MB & Kj Ohnstad in Minnesota
Recorded: 02/11/2017  Released: 02/12/2017  First aired: unaired


(Abbe asks for walk up music. Well here ya go!)

Most things in life, I don't understand them.
So, I call him to make some kinda sense of them.
Here's Abbe - The Smartest Man in Washington!
So, let’s go Tony.
Ask me all about the law.
My facts ain’t phony.
Be glad to explain it
And tell you why you’re oh so wrong!
Hey Tone (hey tone)
We know (We know)
He hasn't (been on lately)
But that’ll change overnight
The next 4 years 
You'll be calling him more than you plug your bar
And we'll be ready
For the Smartest Man in Washington!

idea and lyrics: Robert Szkolnicki, Winnipeg, MB
lyrics, and vocals: KJ Ohnstad, Red Wing, MN


Your Name
  • Anita from Alaska
    Great group effort.
    2645 days ago.
  • Tony Beeson in Cincinnati, Ohio
    2645 days ago.
  • Jason Fuse in Los Angeles
    Awesome all around. Wait, is that where the bridge goes in this song?
    2647 days ago.
  • Kj Ohnstad in Red Wing, MN
    Another great idea from Robert! Thanks for providing another fun one. Also, thanks to Brad, Jason, and John for helping with lyrics and production.
    2648 days ago.