Third-Floor Location

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A parody of a song by P.O.D..
A Collaboration by ElliotO in Commack, NY, Jason Fuse in Los Angeles & Luke Overbey in Charleston, SC
Recorded: 11/10/2016  Released: 11/12/2016  First aired: unaired


Might be the worst mistake of my life
I wish I woulda known before I kissed Rockville goodbye
Never told Harley and Aaron how much I cared
Or thanked George and Bagel City for all the food that they shared
Unaware, I just did what I always do
Opened up my big mouth and I stuck in a shoe
But who knew it’s hard for a bank account to thrive
When you move to Chevy Chase and go plausibly live?
Call me blind, but I didn't see it coming
My mouth is still running but I'm not making money cause
Podcasts don't always rake in the cash
And now Nigel can't afford a doc to check out his rash
I keep saying it's the same old show
The only difference, you can’t play it on the radio
We're on your Google machine or your Apple iPhone
And though it’s undisclosed, the Littles all know that

We are in a...third floor location
We are in a...third floor location


Your Name
  • Kj Ohnstad in Red Wing, MN
    This is so great, guys. I must admit I never thought I'd see anyone else do this song on here!
    2842 days ago.