Life on the PTI Show?

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A parody of a song by David Bowie.
A Collaboration by itsnatanuber in Indianapolis, IN & mrlip in Springfield, VA
Recorded: 02/24/2016  Released: 02/24/2016  First aired: unaired


Idea is based on TK's "week from hell" on the PTI Show (plus: how does Kelliher not have a jingle yet?), and my own aspiration that TK will one day join the likes of Barry Melrose and myself in absolute hockey fandom... Anyways, barring that ridiculous scenario (in which I imagine Tony sporting a Jaromir Jagr-like mullet wig on the PTI program) I simply want to acknowledge the irony that is TK regularly, reluctantly discussing the ratings-killer that is hockey in such entertaining radio segments.

Expertly performed by Steve Lipton, based on David Bowie's "Life on Mars?"


"It's a Thursday," is what I said
To the man with the bald orange head
But while Tony is yelling, "No!"
I reply: "Hey who's running this show?"
And Wilbon is nowhere to be seen
In walks Melrose with his poutine
To the seat right across from Tone
TK realizes what this means

This show could be the last for your
Curmudgeon host heading for the door
Now he's stopped by a tray of food
Here's my chance to tell Tony that:

Hockey is leading off today's show
"C'mon man!
What're we even doing here?
That's it, I'm quitting this show"
But I know it's just Tony
Threatening emptily, he'll
Be back, the pay is way too good here
That's why I put up with him
on the PTI show

Related Songs

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Your Name
  • Kj Ohnstad in Red Wing, MN
    I'm quite certain Kelliher does have a jingle but it never airs. I suspect it's because his segments are so short already, no time for a jingle too. But they should make some time for this one! Very well done!
    3124 days ago.
  • Hampton Nager in Dallas, TX
    What Rob says - I'm so impressed!
    3124 days ago.
  • robert berg in Pittsburgh, PA
    just listened to this on the prodcast and it's spectacular. great job from both of you.
    3124 days ago.
  • judofuse in Atlanta
    Very cool idea, and you know I enjoy the intro paragraphs. Good job with the Bowie vocals Steve.
    3127 days ago.
  • Sean Morrissey in Frederick,MD
    Peanut butter and jealous, that someone used this song. Awesome job to you both.
    3130 days ago.
  • Anita in Alaska in Anchorage,AK
    Love this. And yes Kelliher needs jingle attention. Daily banter with TK is deserving of a jingle. BTW hearing this reminded me of the English version of the TV show Life on Mars. I loved it.
    3131 days ago.
  • mrlip in Springfield, VA
    Thanks Tom, really great Kelliher angle. For a guy that is on the radio show literally every day you are correct, we shouldn't have ignored him for this long.
    3131 days ago.