Cillizza Love Song

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A parody of a song by Stone Temple Pilots.
A Collaboration by mjustin24 in Philadelphia, PA & Jason Fuse in Los Angeles
Recorded: 06/02/2015  Released: 06/02/2015  First aired: unaired


Red wine is what I drink at the game
No way I fish or
Elevator ride
Swapped wives

Swimmin' in Diana Ross' Pool
Over WebMD, I cried
Trivia, is anyone lisetning?
At the Nationals game
Swapped wives

Rich kid school
First in class of three


Your Name
  • Kj in MN in St. Paul, MN
    Outstanding collab!
    3391 days ago.
  • mjustin24 in Philadelphia, PA
    Appreciate that. Great job on the vocals and same day turnaround! With you on STP, learned to drum to Core. Can remember all the songs, but can only barely still drum, ha.
    3397 days ago.
  • judofuse in Atlanta
    I really like how the lyrics are random phrases from many angles on a subject - exactly the same as the original song. Great job emulating that writing style. I listened to the first 2 STP CDs so much in the 90s.
    3398 days ago.
  • mrlip in Springfield, VA
    Kick ass. I was hoping the Cillizza wife swap wouldn't just fade out of consciousness. Great stuff.
    3398 days ago.
  • rob in Pittsburgh, PA
    STP = jason wheelhouse. nice collaboration, gents!
    3398 days ago.