Super G - Ft. Judofuse (Superfreak)

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A parody of a song by Rick James.
A Collaboration by robert berg in Pittsburgh, PA & Jason Fuse in Los Angeles
Recorded: 06/29/2015  Released: 06/30/2015  First aired: 07/01/2015


Probably the last song of the season. Probably.

Cillizza’s got dozens of songs
(Because he’s so neurotic)
But Gary’s mostly well-adjusted
(Move along, nothing to see)
He mocks Tony, Torie, Kevin, and McManus
Mockery’s the sincerest form
(Sincerest form of mockery)
“You’re not cooking a tuna melt,” he says
When Satch is scared about steak toasting
He likes wearing flip flops and a T shirt
His kid’s the king of bracketology

He’s a man, he’s over 40
(This song’s for Super G)
Bob Marley singing Hendrix
(Is totally his thing)
He got Caviar Lay’s potato chips
(In Kazakhstan, I think)
But who really wants to taste them
(Scott Linn, possibly)

He owns a film and video company. Yeah…with Dave Braun, too. Hey!
It’s a Super G, Super G
A Super G thing

Jason, sing!
Super G, Super G
This song’s for Super G

He thinks the square root of 100
Is somewhere close to 50
And that gators live in the deep south wetlands
Somewhere in rural New Mexico

Blow, KJ!


Your Name
  • Hampton Nager in Dallas, TX
    The ghost or Rick James is laughing to this -- with his incense wine and candles.
    3368 days ago.
  • judofuse in Atlanta
    I didn't care about not hearing my part - They play way more than the legal limit of me as it is. BUT - I really wanted to hear the spoken word stuff at the end over the sax!
    3369 days ago.
  • rob in Pittsburgh, PA
    sadly, we did not make it to Jason's "Fister?"part. and he worked hard with no voice left from the Jingle event to even get something down.
    3369 days ago.
  • John Neiswinger in Bel Air, MD
    I can't even recognize your voice, Jason! incredibly well-done you two!
    3369 days ago.
  • Luke Overbey in Charleston, SC
    Very funny. Love the last verse and outro. I thought of putting in some spoken word at the end of my last song, but didn't think I could have pulled it off they way you do. Next time I should just try to recruit you into the song.
    3370 days ago.
  • Brad Weiss in Williamsburg, VA
    Maybe I'll take a caffeine-injected all-nighter to Western PA. Not soon, but some day.
    3370 days ago.
  • rob in Pittsburgh, PA
    i was thinking musicophilia, but yes! and we didn't talk about White Noise. oh hell...I just realized that. i had questions for you. %&%^$!!!!!
    3370 days ago.
  • Brad Weiss in Williamsburg, VA
    The man who confused his uke for a sax!! Laughs abound herein!
    3370 days ago.
  • rob in Pittsburgh, PA
    i think i accidentally jacked up the ambiance on this when i finalized it. i need to be more careful in 2015-2016. the previous version had more presence. dammit.
    3370 days ago.
  • Anita from Alaska
    Good stuff. Keep 'em coming. The rest of us aren't going on vacation!
    3370 days ago.
  • rob in Pittsburgh, PA
    you are extremely generous with your collaboration time, and I appreciate your willingness to say yes to things.
    3370 days ago.
  • judofuse in Atlanta
    That ending kills me... the whole thing is funny and love the Rick James-ish vocal inflections. I said "probably my last song..." about 8 songs ago at this point, but I can't pass on the funny ideas people are writing. I keep making all the stops... because they keep ringing the bell.
    3371 days ago.