The Wind Sighs Gary (Acoustic)

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A parody of a song by The Jimi Hendrix Experience.
A Collaboration by Jason Fuse in Los Angeles & Jamie Hegarty in Milwaukee
Recorded: 03/03/2015  Released: 03/07/2015  First aired: unaired


Original idea and lyrics by Jamie. I took some artistic licence with the actual facts.

After all the math has been misspoken
And the littles have all been amused
You can hear Courtney askin' Nigel to be her sub
And Tony, well he seems confused
And the wind whispers... "Gary"

The gang is drearily recapping
Such a brutal year had by RGIII
They wonder if all of this has wrecked him
As they talk on the phone to Mark Maske
Then "Rectum?!" questions Gary

And we all should remember
That time they talked Nats pitchers, and who gets credit
When Aldridge laughed as he said "Fister?"
SuperG, well he says he does not get it.
And we all sigh, "Gary!"
Yeah the wind it sighs, "...Gary"

Parody of The Wind Cries Mary - Jimi Hendrix Experience


Your Name
  • judofuse in Atlanta
    Hey, it was a lot of fun! I learned how to play guitar listening to a lot of Hendrix, along with a couple other guitarists, when starting out. FYI, I didn't email this or the other version in - so feel free to do whatever. :D
    3480 days ago.
  • Jamie
    I love it!!! Thanks for making this!!!
    3481 days ago.
  • Jerry in Annandale, VA
    If there were a clean way to allow alternate takes of jingles as part of a single "jingle" I'd add that feature but I think it would be too messy.
    3483 days ago.
  • judofuse in Atlanta
    Thanks! It's a meta commentary on narcissism. (Ok, not really - I'm just an idiot.) Sadly, it's only the first time I actually POSTED both recorded versions of a single song... Again, I'm an idiot.
    3483 days ago.
  • Jerry in Annandale, VA
    What the -- A song so self indulgent it needed an acoustic B-side?! Now that's a welcome first. Great!
    3483 days ago.
  • John Fitzpatrick in Arlington, VA
    Wrecked him? Genius! Both versions are terrific. Jimi Lives!
    3485 days ago.