Yard Sale Today

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A parody of a song by Styx.
Recorded by happy_Blaise in Ellicott City, MD
Recorded: 12/05/2014  Released: 12/05/2014  First aired: unaired


I once scored an electric meat slicer for 3 bucks at a yard sale. Eat that, WNBA. Even used it once...trust me, you're better off just buying pre-sliced bread. Anywho, here's a yard sale jingle:

Yard-saling today, set an open course: 2 double-0 15
Used dishware and bras, 2-for-1 on chotskies and old disk drives
I need a toaster oven, but this one has no door?
What kind of dope would need a Walkman…anymore?
Think I'll buy, oh Lord, I'll buy this airplane carry on

I look to the right, reflections off the stunning windows there
Some grandpa looks mad
He seems to be irate, at all the deals to be had
He’s picking up his phone now, rotary dial
Looks like he spun a 9 there, with a baleful smile
Now a 1, Oh no, not that…it’s another 1

A gathering of sirens, approaching us at speed
And now the crowd is scattering, as the cops begin to scream
“Put that yard sale away, yard sale away
You’re devaluing property

We’ll lock that yard sale away, yard sale away
Then we’ll throw away the key

Get that yard sale away, yard sale away
Should your neighbor have to see…

This yard sale today, yard sale today?
When he’s trying to watch TV!

Can’t he watch with dignity?

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  • Kj in MN in St. Paul, MN
    So great!
    3488 days ago.
  • Byron in Philadelphia, PA
    Brilliant on all levels!
    3499 days ago.