"Superbowl Contenders" (Daydream Believer)

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A parody of a song by The Monkees.
Recorded by joeythejammer in Ellicott City, MD
Recorded: 05/17/2022  Released: 05/18/2022  First aired: unaired


Robert Griffin will say anything to be relevant.....But WE'RE ALL IN FOR WEEK 1 !!!!


In 2012, he came here
he won Rookie of the Year
we all thought lots of titles, he could bring!

But then he tore his ACL
and the next two years were hell
And now he's on the tube saying crazy things…..

Speak up RGIII !!
You're so good on TV
He called us “Playoff Contenders”
For a Superbowl Ring !!

What have you been smoking?
You said "The DC Commanders could be

Lyrics/Vocals By Joe Aro
Additional vocals and editing by Steve Lipton

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  • Ruth Bandler
    Nice job. He was probably assuming that the WC would bring him back as QB. Ugh!
    769 days ago.


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All of joeythejammer's Jingles joeythejammer in Ellicott City, MD
All the TK Jingles of 2017 Jerry in Annandale, VA