Too Much Sea Salt In The Pan (Too Much Time On My Hands)

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A parody of a song by Styx.
Recorded by mrlip in Springfield, VA
Recorded: 04/06/2022  Released: 04/06/2022  First aired: 05/02/2022


It’s all over my food
Rampantly overused
Slathered on like its fondu
And I just want to choke
This must be a joke
They’ve ruined my Cordon Bleu
Is there any wonder there’s too much sodium?
Now this briny trend makes no sense at all

I can only wonder why there’s too much sea salt in the pan
It's a culinary insanity
They put too much sea salt on again
Its ratcheting up the salinity
They put too much sea salt in the pan
And it's ruining the taste, ruining the taste for me

Too much sea salt in the pan

Lyrics by Steve Lipton
Original song "Too Much Time On My Hands" by Styx


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