Goodbye Chatter D.C.

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A parody of a song by Elton John.
Recorded by joeythejammer in Ellicott City, MD
Recorded: 07/02/2019  Released: 07/02/2019  First aired: unaired


What are you gonna do now?
Where are you going to land?
The inheritance just bought the farm
but you got pictures with all your fans!

To fix it all will cost you a fortune
for worker men and their crews....
It's pretty certain you will never re-open
and now all the Littles are singin'
The Bluuuuuuuuueeeees.....Ohhhh Ohhh Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhh

So Goodbye Chatter DC
and the pods where the leafblowers howl
while we understand it wasn't a penthouse,
we loved to come watch with our pals!

Now it's back to an undisclosed location somewhere
with your "select" company
But we'll never forget all the times we shared
with you, at Chatter DC
Ohhhhhhh Ohhhhhhhh
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ton'!

Lyrics/Vocals by Joe Aro
Yet another parody of "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" by Sir Elton


Your Name
  • Jenny Robbins in Annapolis, MD
    1915 days ago.
  • Shawn
    1921 days ago.
  • Marc
    Great Jingle Thanks!!!
    1921 days ago.
  • Ruth Bandler
    You nailed it!
    1921 days ago.
  • EmmetGM in Boston,MA
    This is a wonderful eulogy for Chatter.
    1921 days ago.
  • Tom
    I think I have something in my eye that’s making it water
    1921 days ago.