Sweet Potato [Sweet Emotion]

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A parody of a song by Aerosmith.
A Collaboration by John Fitzpatrick in Arlington, VA & RobertSz in Winnipeg,MB
Recorded: 04/11/2018  Released: 04/11/2018  First aired: 04/19/2018


With inspiration from Robert Szkolnicki in Winnipeg, I'm getting in on the tuber trend before it goes underground

Sweet Emotion by Aerosmith

Sweet po-ta-to
Sweet po-ta-to

Doin my shoppin' at the vegetable stand
Comparin' root plants that I got in my hand
This looks good so I think I’ll be tryin’
I hope no one’s lookin' at what I am buyin'

Sweet po-ta-to
Sweet po-ta-to

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Your Name
  • RobertSz in Winnipeg,MB
    Great John. I was laughing at just the first two lines.
    2278 days ago.