Bad Bad Leroy Brown

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A parody of a song by Jim Croce.
Recorded by Brad Weiss in Carrboro, NC
Recorded: 01/03/2016  Released: 01/04/2017  First aired: 01/16/2017


Well Scottsdale Arizona
Ain’t no part of Washington
But when you fly out there
You’ll find a pocket square
In the jacket of Mike Wilbon

Now Wilbon’s not a drinker
Although he likes to party with Sir Charles
And you’ll hear how he tells that more than half of his pals
Have been on “Dancing with the Stars”

And he’s mad, mad Mike Wilbon
The maddest cat out of Evanston
Hasn’t got the longest fuse
But tell us more about your shoes

After Jim Croce


Your Name
  • Kj Ohnstad in Red Wing, MN
    Yes! Podtime!
    2801 days ago.
  • Jason Fuse in Los Angeles
    This is a really good Jim Croce. Wilbon doesn't seem to care for nonsense, even more reason this should play him in at some point.
    2812 days ago.