Father and Son

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A parody of a song by Cat Stevens.
Recorded by Brad Weiss in Carrboro, NC
Recorded: 12/22/2016  Released: 12/22/2016  First aired: 01/04/2017


Was it time to make a change?
You said go, own your content
I’m so old, I said sure
I thought you could sell some mugs
And now you’re here, making fun
Was I that bad a parent?
Don’t talk back, just shut up, ride the pony

I would just like to explain
It’s just one minor complaint
You never took the time to teach me about bowling
Years at Harvard and at Penn and after all that tuition
Now what I know is a lot about Tiger’s swing
I know I’d rather golf

After "Father and Son" by Yusuf Islam


Your Name
  • Kj Ohnstad in Red Wing, MN
    The selling mugs line got me too. Wonderful!
    2801 days ago.
  • Jolene in Grand Island, NE
    Well done Brad - they liked it a lot!!
    2815 days ago.
  • Brad Weiss in Williamsburg, VA
    I didn't know it would be on the test! Aw, man. Welcome back, fellow crazy person.
    2818 days ago.
  • Jason Fuse in Los Angeles
    "I thought you could sell some mugs" really made me laugh for some reason. Well, the reason is that it's funny - it just made me laugh more than I expected is what I'm saying. (Points deducted for lack of intro paragraph.)
    2818 days ago.