More License Plate talk (DK 1459 - Tony)

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A parody of a song by Tommy Tutone.
Recorded by OldAtHeart in Madison, WI
Recorded: 10/02/2016  Released: 10/02/2016  First aired: 10/11/2016


Tony Tony watch the road will you?
The steering wheel's the thing to hold on to
I know you like those numbers on that Ford
But you've got to focus on the road

Tony's got to read those numbers
License plates fulfill his mind
Consecutive or Fibonacci numbers
DD 3399 (or DK 1459)
DJ 6789 (or CC 3169)

He sees it! He sees He sees it!
He sees those numbers on the car
He sees it! He sees, He sees it!
For the 100th time, Michael gets a call...
(Tony calling Michael excitedly about a plate number)


Your Name
  • Tyhaslem in Provo, Utah
    This phone is on fire
    2901 days ago.
  • Tyhaslem in Provo, Utah
    Lol good stuff!
    2901 days ago.
  • robert berg in Pittsburgh, PA
    2901 days ago.