24 Years

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A parody of a song by Jason Isbell.
A Collaboration by Jerry in Annandale, VA & Jason Fuse in Los Angeles
Recorded: 06/04/2016  Released: 06/06/2016  First aired: 06/06/2016


In prep for EVEN LIVER, I was cycling through the archives to select songs and came across "24 Days," a prodcast intro jingle from last Summer. I was amazed at how almost the whole thing was tailor-made for TK's switch from radio to The Rose.

24 years have flown by so fast
Now Tony’s leavin’ radio and starting up a podcast
His new show’s called The Rose and there’ll be a lot of cursing we think

So this is when you find out if you’re really a Little
Will you tune in in September or are you noncommittal
iTunes has thousands of podcasts that equally stink

You thought a monkey was a species all its own
now you know it’s just a chimp that’s really old
kind of like how frogs are baby toads
Tony's future is here
after 24 years

A parody of Jason Isbell, “24 Frames"


Your Name
  • joeythejammer in Ellicott City, MD
    Still love it.
    2167 days ago.
  • Luke Overbey in Charleston, SC
    So great. The ending is perfect.
    3026 days ago.
  • Anita in Alaska in Anchorage,AK
    Wonderful. As always.
    3028 days ago.
  • Jason Fuse in Los Angeles
    I forgot about this one. Great match for today.
    3028 days ago.
  • Kj Ohnstad in Red Wing, MN
    Isbo on the air! Nice! Love the outro too.
    3029 days ago.